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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tennessean will be 24/7 within six months

Tennessean Senior Editor Deborah Fisher mentioned during her presentation to the Nashville PRSA chapter yesterday that the paper plans to operate a "24/7 newsroom" within six months that will publish local updates to its Web site around the clock.

Currently, the paper publishes about 100 breaking news updates each day beginning at 6 a.m. Fisher's goal is for the site to be "dynamic and refreshing constantly." "Update, update, update is our mantra," she said.

I'm glad to see this move by the paper. As a media junkie, I say the more news, the better, and it's always encouraging to see additional local content arriving online.


Kat Coble said...

This ought to be a good move, but they should have done it years ago.

I've stopped using them as a primary news resource because, well, they just weren't updated frequently enough.

I suspect I'm not the only one.

Rob Robinson said...

I totally agree. I feel like The Tennessean is scrambling to convert to the Web media world after ignoring it for a long, long time. Better late than never, but still late.

Anonymous said...

I never took the City Paper seriously because it didn't look like a read newspaper. Then, one day I realized it was the best newspaper in town.

The Tennessean is going ot have to do something to keep from getting trounced by a free paper. This move is probably the start to them playing catch up.

Rob Robinson said...

I definitely felt that way about the CP at first. It has come a long way. I'm glad to have both to give us multiple print voices again. I tend to go back and forth on which I prefer. I guess it depends on what section and which day I'm reading.